Short to medium term housing / room for rent.
Retreat on hundreds of acres lakeside in Livingston County and a short walk to the lake.
Well water, septic, washer/drier, furnished or unfurnished room w/private bath, laundry, shared kitchen; WiFi, and all utilities included.
Hemlock lake nearby for fishing, kayaking, or just getting away.
Beautiful woods and wildlife make this a wonderful place to live and get away, a great place to isolate and retreat.
5 to 6 hour drive from NYC and DC area, 30 minutes to Henrietta, 20 minutes to Geneseo.
$595/month for one person, $645 for a couple.
Inquire for family rate.
Inquire for more information.
Replies should include a phone number, good time to call, number of anticipated persons, your current living or employment situation and anything you'd like to share personally.